By Sally Kidd

How’s your training going?

Do you get into the gym and wander around not really knowing what you’re doing? Or are you training at home and keep doing the same boring uninspiring exercise routine?

Are you crystal clear on what you’re trying to achieve, are you getting great results from what you’re doing?

No? Then it’s time to set yourself some fitness goals.

Here are my top tips that will help you to set some awesome goals:

1. Set yourself a time frame
Your goal should be time bound! This is so important, it helps you focus your efforts and develop a more structured plan for achieving your goal.  Having an end date also creates a sense of urgency that will keep you motivated.

2. Focus on one goal at a time
One of the biggest mistakes people make, is trying to do too much all at once.  People will often say to me, “I want to get stronger, run my 5km in under 30 minutes, and I want to lose 2 stone”. 

This is too much!  If your main goal is fat loss, make a plan to achieve just that initially.  Strength and fitness will be a nice bi-product anyway. When you’ve hit your target then you move on to your next goal, trust me on this.

3. Set yourself micro goals along the way 
In general, it’s good to set yourself micro goals that can be achieved every 2-3 weeks.  E.g if your end goal is to run a 9-minute mile, during your training you should make a smaller goal like running half a mile in 5 minutes. 

This will show yourself how much you’ve accomplished and will assess where you actually are.

4. Consider a professional’s input
If you’re having a hard time establishing your current fitness level, maybe you are struggling structuring yourself a plan or if just feeling overwhelmed by the process.  If this is the case, consider getting some professional help. 

I’d love to hear from you if you need help. Contact me!

5. Be Specific
Saying to yourself “I want to get stronger” is a great place to start but what does that mean to you? For example, instead, say to yourself that you’d like to increase the number of push ups you do.  This makes your strength goal measurable.  But even better, saying to yourself that you want to be able to perform 20 push ups in 1 minute makes your goal specific.

When setting yourself realistic, specific goals you need to follow these 5 steps.  Don’t be afraid to write them down! 

It’s so powerful to see them in front of you every day and it really helps remind you to stay on track.

Take the next step….

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