Let me ask you this, are you getting results from your training?
Are you putting the effort in and not reaping the benefits? Today, I wanted to talk to you about 2 golden rules that you need to stick to that will ensure you get results from your training.
Ask yourself:
Yes, these things may seem basic, but everyone wants long term results regardless of what your goals are.
Be honest, are you being consistent with your training?
Or do you have the tendency to hit the gym hard for a few weeks and then back off? Then repeat this cycle?
You may not know this, but it takes anywhere from 9-12 weeks (and more) of consistent work to start seeing any real results! This can be true of many things in life, not just exercise.
Unfortunately, results don’t happen overnight. A lot of the time we are far too impatient, if we don’t see instant results, we give up or back off. Even I have been guilty of this in the past, but be mindful and be patient. Results will come, enjoy the journey.
Secondly, are you being compliant to a plan?
I mean really sticking and following a GOOD personalised training plan specific to you and your desired outcomes? Or are you just chopping and changing workouts and doing what suits you on that day?
You need a good training plan that you love doing, that is specific to your goals and objectives and then yes, you need to be compliant and stick to it!
If you get these 2 things right you can get your body to wherever you want it to be.