This waiver is an important legal document. It explains the risks you are assuming by taking part in an exercise program. It is critical you read and understand it completely. After you have done so, please sign in the spaces provided.
You should always consult your Doctor or other healthcare provider before starting an exercise program. I understand that there is a risk of injury associated with participating in fitness classes with Sally Kidd’s group online fitness classes.
I have volunteered to participate in a class, course or program containing physical exercise under the direction of Sally Kidd. I recognise that exercise might be difficult and strenuous and there could be dangers inherent in exercise for some individuals. I understand that I may encounter some muscle soreness 24-48 hours after participating in Sally Kidd’s group exercise session.
To my best knowledge I am in good physical condition and have no disease, physical limitation, health concern or injury that would be aggravated or would be the cause of any injury sustained, before, during or as a result of my participating in activities related either directly and / or indirectly to Sally Kidd Personal Training and Sally Kidd’s online fitness classes.
I hereby assume full responsibility for any and all injuries, losses and damages that I incur while attending, exercising or participating in Sally Kidd’s online Front room fitness classes.
I hereby waive all claims against Sally Kidd Personal Training of individually or otherwise, for any and all injuries, claims or damages that I might incur.
By purchasing classes or fitness plans from you agree to the above waiver. This waiver also forms part of my Term & Conditions which must be read and checked prior to all purchases.